Maria Garcia
Art historian
Graduated in Human Sciences, with the Special Prize (average grade 9.48/10); Master’s degree on Historic and Archaeology Heritage, specialized in Researching and Management of Heritage...
Graduated in Human Sciences, with the Special Prize (average grade 9.48/10); Master’s degree on Historic and Archaeology Heritage, specialized in Researching and Management of Heritage (average grade 9.73/10), both in the University of Cadiz, Spain. Scholarship in the Higher Course on methods and techniques for the documentation and information of Cultural Heritage (2014-2015), of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH). PIF-PhD Fellowship from the Vice-Rector’s Office for Research of the University of Seville and FPU-PhD Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Training program for Academic Staff), linked to the Department of Art History at the University of Seville, during 2016-2020 period, where she worked teaching in the Degrees of Art History, Tourism, and Geography and Management of Territories. Also concluding Doctoral Thesis about demonstrations of religiousness connected to the female and artistic world.
Current research interests: Role of Women in History from Medieval times to Modern Age in Iberian and Latin-American world (Arts and Religious Systems, Glocal Identities and Societies), Management and Cataloging of cultural heritage, Education from a Gender Perspective.
Selected academic achievements: “Imagines salvationis. Exvotos pictóricos marineros en la Igreja do Carmo farense”, Universitas: Las artes ante el tiempo. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte, Salamanca, 2021, pp. 1179-1187 (recently obtained the Prize for the best predoctoral communication of the XIII National Congress of Art History (CEHA 2021). “La Comisión Provincial de Monumentos y la Protección de la Ermita y el Castillo de Lebrija (Sevilla)”, UcoArte: Revista de Teoría e Historía del Arte, 4 (2015), pp. 59-72