Koldo (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) takes an interest in the environmental history of the Portuguese woodlands from the 14th to the 17th centuries, imperial shipbuilding and forestry, and the administrative history of Portuguese woodlands in the same period. he is the editor of Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Emppires: Shipbuilding and Forestry, 14th-19th centuries, Routledge, 2023, with Álvaro Aragón-Ruano and Cristina Joanaz de Melo. He coordinated the projects “Las raíces materiales e inmateriales del conservacionismo ambiental de la Península Ibérica (siglos XV-XIX)” and “Protection, production and environmental change: the roots of Modern Environmentalism in the Iberian Peninsula (XVI-XVIIIth centuries)”, both in 2020-2022.