Aleks Pluskowski
Aleks Pluskowski is Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Reading, UK. His research focuses on the environmental archaeology of medieval Europe, and in particular frontier societies defined by conquest...
Aleks Pluskowski is Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Reading, UK. His research focuses on the environmental archaeology of medieval Europe, and in particular frontier societies defined by conquest, regime change, migration and multi-culturalism. In 2010-14 he directed the ERC-funded “Ecology of Crusading” project, which investigated the environmental impact of the Baltic crusades, with the results published in a series of papers and two volumes by Brepols in 2019. A visual summary is available here: https://arcg.is/0r85PX. He is currently the PI on the “Landscapes of (Re)Conquest” project, funded by the AHRC, which is investigating the cultural landscapes of medieval frontiers in south-western Europe (https://research.reading.ac.uk/re-conquest/). He teaches the archaeology of crusading, alongside the archaeology of medieval Europe and zooarchaeology.