Call for papers II Medieval Hunting Meeting
CALL FOR PAPERS II Medieval Hunting Meeting Setting up the Chase: Where and When? Palácio Nacional de Sintra, 23 and 24 October 2025 Following on the success of the first Medieval Hunting Meeting, organised by the Institute for Medieval Studies at NOVA University (IEM) and the Network for the Environment in Medieval Usages and Society […]
Medieval falconer records come to light
. FALCO researchers Diana Martins and Afonso Soares de Sousa have discovered no less than five documents, dating from the fourteenth and the early sixteenth centuries, relating to falconry. These help illuminate matters still relatively unknown, such as bird-catching, the social and economic standing of royal falconers, and their recompense by kings. All five documents […]
Synopsis: 1st Medieval Hunting Meeting
. The 1st Medieval Hunting Meeting, organised by NEMUS jointly with the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM NOVA/FCSH), succeeded in fulfilling its primary purpose of promoting exchange and interdisciplinary debate around the history of the fascinating relationship between humans and canis. This journey through a shared past started with a journey some 8,000 years into […]
MHM on Human-Canis Relations
at NOVA University Lisbon, 18-19 July 2024 . … In the context of Medieval Europe, what we now classify as canis were divided into two broad groups: domestic and wild – in other words, dog and wolf. The dog (canis lupus familiaris) has almost always been man’s best friend, as a watchful guard, a faithful […]
NEMUS at the Leeds IMC
The Network has had its first public event: a scholarly rendez-vous at the Leeds International Medieval Congress. This was the first edition of Crossing the Branches in Environmental Medieval Studies, an interdisiplinary initiative around a given topic. At this time, attention was gathered around the topic “Living alongside Beasts in Medieval Portugal”. Two papers were […]
Towards a Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary approach to Historical Zooanthropology: Opening considerations from the FALCO Project
Tiago Viúla de Faria
. . .Dowload title list in SRV (Excel) format. Opens in Zotero. The title list can also be downloaded in CSV (Excel) format. . The FALCO Library at NOVA University of Lisbon’s Instituto de Medievais is a small reference collection specialising in the medieval human-animal world, with special regard for birds of prey and for […]
O FALCO visitou El Haouaria
Uma vila intimamente conectada com o meio natural. O gado bovino e ovino, os cães de guarda e caça e os galináceos espalham-se pelos campos circundantes desta povoação e cruzam-se, inclusivamente, com o meio urbanizado. O mar, que circunda toda a região, tem também uma presença marcante que se espelha na gastronomia local. Tudo isto […]